Episode 6 - "The Substitute" Pre-Show
One hour until the show is aired in Pacific time at 8pm Nov. 16, 2010.
This episode features successful actress Gwyneth Paltrow who substitutes Glee Club.
I'm very excited for this episode. Apparently Paltrow is an amazing singer.
Lots of actors featured in this TV Series I had no idea that could sing.
Should be a great episode. Not much info on the episode, but will have full summary and review at 9pm. See you all then!
This episode was a lot calmer of an episode. Not a lot of drama happening. Definetly not as many surprises that's for sure. Some of the features of this episode were that Shuester ends up losing his job and being replaced by the substitute played by Ms. Gwyneth Paltrow. Paltrow really surprised me because she was simply phenomenal. I really don't think she gets much credit as an actress as she should. She's an unbelievable actress, and a sensational singer. Very please with her performance that is for sure. Shuesters ex-wife tries to pry into his life again, but soon leaves the seen. Sue becomes principle and bans the consumption of junk food in the schools which infuriates Mercedes. Also, Mercedes feels left out of Kurts life because of the time he is now spending with Blaine (gay boy from the all boys school he met in the previous episode. See Review - Episode 5). Kurts gets a death threat from his Bully that had kissed him last episode saying that "if you tell anyone about it i'll kill you". That's warming, and heartful. It seems Paltrows character will be seen more than once, and it also appears that Shuester is quite interested in her. Juicey juicey. A lot of great songs covered this episode as well.
This episode was definetly a well needed cool down from the previous episode. Like I said above, not as much surprises and/or drama. However, I found almost an entire scene boring. I almost wanted to change the channel. It seems that Glee needs to find better ways of cooling down their episodes without making them boring. The whole idea of the episode with the ban of junk food, and the rebelling was kind of odd for lack of a better word. It didn't really bring anything good out of it. It mainly was like saying that obese people should always want junk food and should demand it in schools. Wasn't exactly what they were going for I'm sure but that's how it came across. There's a lot of things that could have been changed in this episode. They could have put slightly more drama into the mix. I mean, when Shuester lost his job you KNEW he was going to get it back. It was one of those things that don't just happen you know? Last episode, Kurt got kissed by his bully. Now that can carry on forever, and you never know what will actually happen. It keeps you wanting more. This episode lacked that "you need to watch the next episode" factor.
I give this episode a 3.5/5 Stars
November 16, 2010
November 15, 2010
Glee Review: Episode 5
Well, I've decided to do a weekly review of the TV Series Glee.
Glee has become an obsession.
It hits me in all the emotions that a human can have.
After watching last weeks episode (Episode 5) I am just blown away.
In this Episode "Never Been Kissed" features Puck back from Juvenile hall and has to do community service. He chooses to help Artie, a fellow classmate who is in a wheel chair.
Puck shows Artie a few tips of "being cool" and surprisingly become somewhat friends.
Also featured in "Never Been Kissed" you constantly see Kurt, an openly gay student, get constantly harrassed by a fellow student. Kurt seeks help at an all boys school to find where he belongs. He meets a student that is also openly gay, and he tells Kurt that he needs to stand up to the bully. Kurt, having enough of being pushed into lockers, follows the bully to the locker room and confronts him. The bully threatening to punch Kurt, Kurt continues to scream in the bullies face having enough, surprisingly the bully stops and kisses Kurt. HOLY SHIT KURT AND ANOTHER BOY KISSING... whoa whoa. Back the trolly up. Yes, Kurt's constant harrasser turns out to be Gay, kisses Kurt, Kurt pushes him away, and the bully punches the locker and storms out obviously scared and confused. Kurt stands alone in the locker room. After seeing that scene reminded me why I watch Glee over and over again. They bring real life situations, and problems that occure in ever high school and make it really real. It shows all audiences what the world can be like. I will never get sick of you Glee. NOW, another feature of the episode the boys of Glee club (and Tina) find an interesting way to "cool off" when in a make out session. They think about their Coach Beast. Now, Coach Beast is a very manish looking woman and comes off very intimidating for a woman. She ends up finding out about the boys "cool off" and ends up quitting. Mr. Shuester has himself in quite the pickle.
I highly reccommend everyone take an hour of their time and watch "Never Been Kissed". It hit me in a place that I never though a TV series could ever do. Homophobes are everywhere and this episode just might explain some of them away. Also, the feeling of feeling different is very prone in this episode and it hits home for sure. When you are different or an "outcast" it's hard to feel like anyone really cares about you. Not only gay people, but disabled people, or people that make some mistakes. Everyone should be equal and this episode bleeds that message. If you hate the show, or never have seen it please just take the time to watch this one episode, I think it'll change a lot of people. Thanks.
I give this episode rating of 4.5 Stars out of 5.
Glee has become an obsession.
It hits me in all the emotions that a human can have.
After watching last weeks episode (Episode 5) I am just blown away.
In this Episode "Never Been Kissed" features Puck back from Juvenile hall and has to do community service. He chooses to help Artie, a fellow classmate who is in a wheel chair.
Puck shows Artie a few tips of "being cool" and surprisingly become somewhat friends.
Also featured in "Never Been Kissed" you constantly see Kurt, an openly gay student, get constantly harrassed by a fellow student. Kurt seeks help at an all boys school to find where he belongs. He meets a student that is also openly gay, and he tells Kurt that he needs to stand up to the bully. Kurt, having enough of being pushed into lockers, follows the bully to the locker room and confronts him. The bully threatening to punch Kurt, Kurt continues to scream in the bullies face having enough, surprisingly the bully stops and kisses Kurt. HOLY SHIT KURT AND ANOTHER BOY KISSING... whoa whoa. Back the trolly up. Yes, Kurt's constant harrasser turns out to be Gay, kisses Kurt, Kurt pushes him away, and the bully punches the locker and storms out obviously scared and confused. Kurt stands alone in the locker room. After seeing that scene reminded me why I watch Glee over and over again. They bring real life situations, and problems that occure in ever high school and make it really real. It shows all audiences what the world can be like. I will never get sick of you Glee. NOW, another feature of the episode the boys of Glee club (and Tina) find an interesting way to "cool off" when in a make out session. They think about their Coach Beast. Now, Coach Beast is a very manish looking woman and comes off very intimidating for a woman. She ends up finding out about the boys "cool off" and ends up quitting. Mr. Shuester has himself in quite the pickle.
I highly reccommend everyone take an hour of their time and watch "Never Been Kissed". It hit me in a place that I never though a TV series could ever do. Homophobes are everywhere and this episode just might explain some of them away. Also, the feeling of feeling different is very prone in this episode and it hits home for sure. When you are different or an "outcast" it's hard to feel like anyone really cares about you. Not only gay people, but disabled people, or people that make some mistakes. Everyone should be equal and this episode bleeds that message. If you hate the show, or never have seen it please just take the time to watch this one episode, I think it'll change a lot of people. Thanks.
I give this episode rating of 4.5 Stars out of 5.
July 17, 2010
You guys wanted a post. Here's a post.
Kelsey. There's a lot of things I need to get off my chest. Because I know if I don't soon I'm going to be afraid for the rest of my life. Everyday that goes by I realize more and more that you and I were supposed to be. There's things that you see in me that no one has, and will ever see in me. You see past the things that don't make me who I am, and only see me. You love everything about me and it surprises me each and every time you tell me. You make me feel like I'm the most amazing person on the planet. Despite my lack of confidence, and respect for myself. I know that I see things in you that you don't and how I wish that you saw them. You're the strongest person I've ever known. To go through life having nearly died twice in a span of two years is incredible. I've had to deal with some fucked up things but nothing like what you have. I admire you. I look up to you for things that I don't believe I have. You may be young but you're definetly not young. You have the mind, and the strength of an adult. It almost brings me to tears because I'm so proud of how far you've come from when we saw each other again. We had some rough patches because of what happened but we've over come them and we've never been stronger.
I remember the first day we met. I know you remember more than me but the first thing I noticed was your Yellow Shoes and how they matched your beautiful blonde hair. Then there it was. The one thing that drew me to you. The one thing that until I die I will cherish. Your smile. When you have your shit grin on I can't helpl but feel warm and happy. You have the biggest smile I've ever seen on anyone and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Your smile makes everything that's bad in my life just float away. That whole day that's all I wanted to see was your smile. Hence why I cracked so many stupid jokes, tickled you, and teased you. I just wanted to see those pearly whites. That's a day I will never forget. I'm sorry for not talking to you after that day. We both know that there wasn't anything that I could do.
I learnt a lot of things in those 3 years I was without you. I learnt how someone you thought you loved, and loved you could turn their back and treat you like a piece of trash. I learnt that there are better people out there. I learnt not to let fucking stupid closed minded fucks control me and the way I live my life. With all those bad things that have happened to me I've become a better person be able to treat you right. To make everyday you're with me the best day of your life. I'm not going to lie, there are some things I've done while we've been dating that I regret, but just know I never meant to hurt you and after it all I was wrong anyways.
One our year, there's something I'm going to ask you. I have it all planned out.
Every little detail because it's going to be the most amazing night of our lives.
I'm hoping it all goes to plan, and if it doesn't well that's fine.
I know that you love me and it may just have to take a little bit of time.
I want a beautiful baby girl with you. I want her to have your beautiful smile.
Your eyes and my button nose. She's going to be so beautiful.
She'll have my personality. She'll get all the boys like her mama did.
I love you Kelsey. Until the day I die. I'm yours.
Kelsey. There's a lot of things I need to get off my chest. Because I know if I don't soon I'm going to be afraid for the rest of my life. Everyday that goes by I realize more and more that you and I were supposed to be. There's things that you see in me that no one has, and will ever see in me. You see past the things that don't make me who I am, and only see me. You love everything about me and it surprises me each and every time you tell me. You make me feel like I'm the most amazing person on the planet. Despite my lack of confidence, and respect for myself. I know that I see things in you that you don't and how I wish that you saw them. You're the strongest person I've ever known. To go through life having nearly died twice in a span of two years is incredible. I've had to deal with some fucked up things but nothing like what you have. I admire you. I look up to you for things that I don't believe I have. You may be young but you're definetly not young. You have the mind, and the strength of an adult. It almost brings me to tears because I'm so proud of how far you've come from when we saw each other again. We had some rough patches because of what happened but we've over come them and we've never been stronger.
I remember the first day we met. I know you remember more than me but the first thing I noticed was your Yellow Shoes and how they matched your beautiful blonde hair. Then there it was. The one thing that drew me to you. The one thing that until I die I will cherish. Your smile. When you have your shit grin on I can't helpl but feel warm and happy. You have the biggest smile I've ever seen on anyone and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Your smile makes everything that's bad in my life just float away. That whole day that's all I wanted to see was your smile. Hence why I cracked so many stupid jokes, tickled you, and teased you. I just wanted to see those pearly whites. That's a day I will never forget. I'm sorry for not talking to you after that day. We both know that there wasn't anything that I could do.
I learnt a lot of things in those 3 years I was without you. I learnt how someone you thought you loved, and loved you could turn their back and treat you like a piece of trash. I learnt that there are better people out there. I learnt not to let fucking stupid closed minded fucks control me and the way I live my life. With all those bad things that have happened to me I've become a better person be able to treat you right. To make everyday you're with me the best day of your life. I'm not going to lie, there are some things I've done while we've been dating that I regret, but just know I never meant to hurt you and after it all I was wrong anyways.
One our year, there's something I'm going to ask you. I have it all planned out.
Every little detail because it's going to be the most amazing night of our lives.
I'm hoping it all goes to plan, and if it doesn't well that's fine.
I know that you love me and it may just have to take a little bit of time.
I want a beautiful baby girl with you. I want her to have your beautiful smile.
Your eyes and my button nose. She's going to be so beautiful.
She'll have my personality. She'll get all the boys like her mama did.
I love you Kelsey. Until the day I die. I'm yours.
April 20, 2010
Photography Calling Me?
Hey everyone
I'm excited to say that I did some more photography with Krista and Katie.
This happened yesterday, and I'm going to bust out some unedited photos on here.

It's pretty gross when there's shit amongst beauty but when I saw this, I was instantly drawn to it, and had to take a picture.

The flowers I though were so beautiful and so I also took a picture of it. The little fuzzies :)

I'm not sure why I love this angle so much, but something just screams that she's on top of the world.
I love the confidence in this woman, and the sky is the limit.

One word. Beautiful.

Can you feel the struggle?
I'm excited to say that I did some more photography with Krista and Katie.
This happened yesterday, and I'm going to bust out some unedited photos on here.
It's pretty gross when there's shit amongst beauty but when I saw this, I was instantly drawn to it, and had to take a picture.
The flowers I though were so beautiful and so I also took a picture of it. The little fuzzies :)
I'm not sure why I love this angle so much, but something just screams that she's on top of the world.
I love the confidence in this woman, and the sky is the limit.
One word. Beautiful.
Can you feel the struggle?
April 16, 2010
Screw Days :)
Born Mistakes
No Regrets
No Regrets
Hey everyone.
This is my first Demo song.
Daniel Francis helped my edit it.
He did a pretty good job :)
Lemme know if you like it.
Also if you like it, spread the word :)
Born Mistakes is hittin the town :D
March 25, 2010
Day Eleven;
Hey Hoe
So, I don't really know what to blog about.
Considering everything that has happened lately.
Everyone knows about seeing as you guys were with me.
However I don't think Krista knows.
Anyways, for those who don't know.
Kelsey's mom went all crazy psycho again.
But it's not as bad this time.
Even though I was affected by it 10x worse.
But that's okay.
I have a few new favourite songs.
I think you guys should have a listen to them.
The Night Will Go As Follows - The Spill Canvas
Wavin' Flag - Young Artists for Haiti (All Canadian Artists)
Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
& Give Him Up - Faber Drive
I love them.
They make me happy.
Except on the Wavin' Flag song Justin Beiber is on it.
And it kind of ruins the song because he sings the last 4 lines of the song.
It's really depressing but besides that it's an amazing song.
Love it.
Anyways that's all I have for now.
Love you guys!
Considering everything that has happened lately.
Everyone knows about seeing as you guys were with me.
However I don't think Krista knows.
Anyways, for those who don't know.
Kelsey's mom went all crazy psycho again.
But it's not as bad this time.
Even though I was affected by it 10x worse.
But that's okay.
I have a few new favourite songs.
I think you guys should have a listen to them.
The Night Will Go As Follows - The Spill Canvas
Wavin' Flag - Young Artists for Haiti (All Canadian Artists)
Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
& Give Him Up - Faber Drive
I love them.
They make me happy.
Except on the Wavin' Flag song Justin Beiber is on it.
And it kind of ruins the song because he sings the last 4 lines of the song.
It's really depressing but besides that it's an amazing song.
Love it.
Anyways that's all I have for now.
Love you guys!
March 12, 2010
Day Ten;
Awesome Day :)
So yesterday was pree great.
Went for a loooong hike which I needed.
It was pissing down rain but the lake was beautiful.
The scenery was amazing.
My knee started to give out on me near the end.
But it wasn't that bad at all.
I hope to go out again with Katie & Krista and their famjam soon.
I'm pree excited for it.
I also got a new idea for my first tattoo.
&& for my second so I'm pree excited.
Instead of having "No Regrets Never look back even when they don't believe us"
It's just going to be "No Regrets. Never look back."
Then if I want to add on it I can.
My second tattoo is a Celtic Symbol for the circle of life.
And looks like this.
It's going to symbolize my transition.
So it's really gunna mean a lot to me.
I have no idea where I'm gunna put it but I'll figure that out when the time comes.
Anyways not much to say in this lovely blog.
Love you guys! <3>
Went for a loooong hike which I needed.
It was pissing down rain but the lake was beautiful.
The scenery was amazing.
My knee started to give out on me near the end.
But it wasn't that bad at all.
I hope to go out again with Katie & Krista and their famjam soon.
I'm pree excited for it.
I also got a new idea for my first tattoo.
&& for my second so I'm pree excited.
Instead of having "No Regrets Never look back even when they don't believe us"
It's just going to be "No Regrets. Never look back."
Then if I want to add on it I can.
My second tattoo is a Celtic Symbol for the circle of life.
And looks like this.

So it's really gunna mean a lot to me.
I have no idea where I'm gunna put it but I'll figure that out when the time comes.
Anyways not much to say in this lovely blog.
Love you guys! <3>
March 10, 2010
Day Nine;
Alright folks, so this is what has happened.
Kelsey arrived at my house on Friday.
We hung out and what not. Saturday I worked 8am - 2pm.
It wasn't too bad at all which was good.
Debbie, Kelsey's mom, seemed alright with me.
Oh, I lied. She was here on Thursday night.
Rofl. Anyways. On Friday her mom was like...
"Can you pick up a medicare form from the pet hospital?"
And her mom was in tears and what not, and Kelsey asked me.
I said yeah that's no problem.
And from then on her mom has been really good with me.
I was allowed in the house.
She actually made eye contact with me.
She was nice to me.
Addressed me as Andre and what not.
So it was really nice to be able to walk through her house again.
Then Saturday after work, I was really sick but we went to Kelsey's.
We helped her mom move shit out of Kelsey's room.
I felt like complete shit the whole time but helped anyways.
Then I took Sunday off because I was suuuper sick.
Then that night we had to tear up this stupid thing in the backyard of Kelsey's.
I still felt like complete shit.
But I still helped because I'm a nice guy.
Then I worked 8 hours on Monday which wasn't bad at all.
Then yesterday was pree scary.
Kelsey was supposed to go home but I woke up at like 5am.
With a lot of pain in my stomach so I went to the bathroom.
Did my business, almost threw up but instead it all came out the other end.
But when I went to go lay down again I would get the pain.
It wasn't bad, but it was still there. But it kept getting worse, I'd get up, and go to the bathroom.
Nothing would really happen..
Then I finally fell asleep but only for like an hour then I'd wake up again.
It was about after the 3rd or 4th time I went to the bathroom that I checked my stool and found blood.
So I was like no, this is fucked. I told Kelsey we needed to go to the Hospital.
That was fucking stupid. I go there, and they have to call the clinic to get my care card number cuz I didn't know it.
So I had to wait like 20 minutes to be able to get into a bed.
Finally I got in, and Kelsey had to wait which was sad.
Then the main nurse guy asked me a bunch of questions and I answered.
Then he got Kelsey to come in and she couldn't even look at me.
It scared her so much and she started crying.
I'm like baby it's okay! I'm not dying!
And she calmed down and what not.
Then the doctor came in, asked me the same stupid questions.
Told me to go on my side, shoved his fingers up my ass, which felt lovely btw, and told me he didn't feel anything abnormal.
Which was good, and that there was no new blood.
But I had to get blood taken and give a urine sample.
I was kind of sketched about the blood thing but it was totally fine.
And the urine thing was weird. I'm like I dunno about peeing in a cup.
Anyways did that. It wasn't too bad.
So all in all they told me there wasn't anything serious wrong.
That I have the beginning of a urinary infection.
And that I should do a follow up appointment with my family doctor.
Today, the pain has subsided. It comes and goes but it's no longer constant.
I haven't had a bowel movement since but I can pass gas fine so my dad thinks i'm okay.
I'm sorry if any of this was too much information but yeah thought you should know.
I am doing alright and will be okay.
Kelsey went home today, which sucked but whatever.
And yeah!
Love you guys!
Oh p.s. I totally failed on trying to blog everyday. D:
Alright folks, so this is what has happened.
Kelsey arrived at my house on Friday.
We hung out and what not. Saturday I worked 8am - 2pm.
It wasn't too bad at all which was good.
Debbie, Kelsey's mom, seemed alright with me.
Oh, I lied. She was here on Thursday night.
Rofl. Anyways. On Friday her mom was like...
"Can you pick up a medicare form from the pet hospital?"
And her mom was in tears and what not, and Kelsey asked me.
I said yeah that's no problem.
And from then on her mom has been really good with me.
I was allowed in the house.
She actually made eye contact with me.
She was nice to me.
Addressed me as Andre and what not.
So it was really nice to be able to walk through her house again.
Then Saturday after work, I was really sick but we went to Kelsey's.
We helped her mom move shit out of Kelsey's room.
I felt like complete shit the whole time but helped anyways.
Then I took Sunday off because I was suuuper sick.
Then that night we had to tear up this stupid thing in the backyard of Kelsey's.
I still felt like complete shit.
But I still helped because I'm a nice guy.
Then I worked 8 hours on Monday which wasn't bad at all.
Then yesterday was pree scary.
Kelsey was supposed to go home but I woke up at like 5am.
With a lot of pain in my stomach so I went to the bathroom.
Did my business, almost threw up but instead it all came out the other end.
But when I went to go lay down again I would get the pain.
It wasn't bad, but it was still there. But it kept getting worse, I'd get up, and go to the bathroom.
Nothing would really happen..
Then I finally fell asleep but only for like an hour then I'd wake up again.
It was about after the 3rd or 4th time I went to the bathroom that I checked my stool and found blood.
So I was like no, this is fucked. I told Kelsey we needed to go to the Hospital.
That was fucking stupid. I go there, and they have to call the clinic to get my care card number cuz I didn't know it.
So I had to wait like 20 minutes to be able to get into a bed.
Finally I got in, and Kelsey had to wait which was sad.
Then the main nurse guy asked me a bunch of questions and I answered.
Then he got Kelsey to come in and she couldn't even look at me.
It scared her so much and she started crying.
I'm like baby it's okay! I'm not dying!
And she calmed down and what not.
Then the doctor came in, asked me the same stupid questions.
Told me to go on my side, shoved his fingers up my ass, which felt lovely btw, and told me he didn't feel anything abnormal.
Which was good, and that there was no new blood.
But I had to get blood taken and give a urine sample.
I was kind of sketched about the blood thing but it was totally fine.
And the urine thing was weird. I'm like I dunno about peeing in a cup.
Anyways did that. It wasn't too bad.
So all in all they told me there wasn't anything serious wrong.
That I have the beginning of a urinary infection.
And that I should do a follow up appointment with my family doctor.
Today, the pain has subsided. It comes and goes but it's no longer constant.
I haven't had a bowel movement since but I can pass gas fine so my dad thinks i'm okay.
I'm sorry if any of this was too much information but yeah thought you should know.
I am doing alright and will be okay.
Kelsey went home today, which sucked but whatever.
And yeah!
Love you guys!
Oh p.s. I totally failed on trying to blog everyday. D:
March 3, 2010
Day Eight;
Alright folks, story time.
Well I guess it's not really a story if it's just my day.
But you know whatever.
So, I woke up kind of late this morning.
I was up until like 3:30am.
Fun shit.
Anyways, I woke up and watched some Futurama.
I went on the computer and checked all my stuff.
I'm actually pretty sad because I started a thread on gaia.
Yes, that's right gaia because I'm THAT cool.
I'm the only one that has posted and there's four of us.
Like what the eff man!
One being good old Katie Francis and for some reason hasn't posted!
-very angry face- :(
I saw what my good friend Richy Rich looks like.
I added him to msn and we were chatting and now he has skype.
So we went on skype and he's pretty much a cool kid.
Looks like a total nerd but not one that you'd make fun of I don't think.
He's not quite what I imagined him looking like.
But I don't think anyone ever is.
Unless it's some character that someone drew and described.
I dunno.
Delza's been emailing me which is kind of odd.
She just wanted to know how I was doing.
Which I don't think was exactly the case.
But you know whatever.
I told her to leave me alone after I updated her on my life.
She's kind of weird...
Kelsey wants to punch her in the face.
Which is completely understandable.
Oh, funny thing that Kelsey said today.
We were talking on msn and what not.
And she randomly put "I kissed a girl and I liked it... did you know that?"
And I was like "nope I did not"
Then she was like "well I did, and I liked it"
And I'm like "oh yeah, threesome all the way"
And she's like "Oh yeah, I'm down ;)"
And I'm like "yeah right"
And she's like "NOT happening"
And i'm like "yeah cuz you're afraid that I'd like the other chick and leave you"
And she's like "yeah I am, if I saw some other chick rubbin on you I'd beat the fuck out of her"
I laughed so hard.
I love Kelsey, she fucking rocks my socks.
Not even gunna fucking lie.
Anyyyyyways. Hahaha.
Nothing else really happen.
I was like super dick fuck today.
Everything was making me all super rawr.
Not fun at all.
But you know that's life sometimes haha.
I think I've done enough blabling. :P
Love you guys.
Well I guess it's not really a story if it's just my day.
But you know whatever.
So, I woke up kind of late this morning.
I was up until like 3:30am.
Fun shit.
Anyways, I woke up and watched some Futurama.
I went on the computer and checked all my stuff.
I'm actually pretty sad because I started a thread on gaia.
Yes, that's right gaia because I'm THAT cool.
I'm the only one that has posted and there's four of us.
Like what the eff man!
One being good old Katie Francis and for some reason hasn't posted!
-very angry face- :(
I saw what my good friend Richy Rich looks like.
I added him to msn and we were chatting and now he has skype.
So we went on skype and he's pretty much a cool kid.
Looks like a total nerd but not one that you'd make fun of I don't think.
He's not quite what I imagined him looking like.
But I don't think anyone ever is.
Unless it's some character that someone drew and described.
I dunno.
Delza's been emailing me which is kind of odd.
She just wanted to know how I was doing.
Which I don't think was exactly the case.
But you know whatever.
I told her to leave me alone after I updated her on my life.
She's kind of weird...
Kelsey wants to punch her in the face.
Which is completely understandable.
Oh, funny thing that Kelsey said today.
We were talking on msn and what not.
And she randomly put "I kissed a girl and I liked it... did you know that?"
And I was like "nope I did not"
Then she was like "well I did, and I liked it"
And I'm like "oh yeah, threesome all the way"
And she's like "Oh yeah, I'm down ;)"
And I'm like "yeah right"
And she's like "NOT happening"
And i'm like "yeah cuz you're afraid that I'd like the other chick and leave you"
And she's like "yeah I am, if I saw some other chick rubbin on you I'd beat the fuck out of her"
I laughed so hard.
I love Kelsey, she fucking rocks my socks.
Not even gunna fucking lie.
Anyyyyyways. Hahaha.
Nothing else really happen.
I was like super dick fuck today.
Everything was making me all super rawr.
Not fun at all.
But you know that's life sometimes haha.
I think I've done enough blabling. :P
Love you guys.
March 2, 2010
Day Seven;
Oh What A Day
Today was another interesting day.
So, I went to school for 8:30am.
Found out that I got a C+ on my midterm.
Which is pretty good considering...
Yeah. & I got a B- on my essay portion.
Which I wasn't expecting at all. :)
Then I found out that I missed the date for dropping a class.
Which is kind of a piss off but whatever.
I'm just not gunna go and get an F then take a class in the summer.
No biggie :)
Then Kelsey asks me if I can pick her up from the Hospital in Nanaimo and take her home.
Her Uncle was really sick so he was there.
& I said sure no problem.
Then she tells me that she can't leave..
So I was like.. fantastic...
Then went and saw her and it was all fuckered up and ungh.
Then I get home and my phones like fail.
& dies and I couldn't find the charger so I'm like fuuuck.
So whatever whatever can't text Kelsey till mommy gets home with her charger.
Eff my life.
Anywho that is my so uneventful day.
Oh, Kelsey texted me before it died and told me that she watched her Uncle pass away.
And then she called and was crying then my phone went pleh.
But yesh.
Love you guys.
Today was another interesting day.
So, I went to school for 8:30am.
Found out that I got a C+ on my midterm.
Which is pretty good considering...
Yeah. & I got a B- on my essay portion.
Which I wasn't expecting at all. :)
Then I found out that I missed the date for dropping a class.
Which is kind of a piss off but whatever.
I'm just not gunna go and get an F then take a class in the summer.
No biggie :)
Then Kelsey asks me if I can pick her up from the Hospital in Nanaimo and take her home.
Her Uncle was really sick so he was there.
& I said sure no problem.
Then she tells me that she can't leave..
So I was like.. fantastic...
Then went and saw her and it was all fuckered up and ungh.
Then I get home and my phones like fail.
& dies and I couldn't find the charger so I'm like fuuuck.
So whatever whatever can't text Kelsey till mommy gets home with her charger.
Eff my life.
Anywho that is my so uneventful day.
Oh, Kelsey texted me before it died and told me that she watched her Uncle pass away.
And then she called and was crying then my phone went pleh.
But yesh.
Love you guys.
March 1, 2010
Day Six;
Ahhoy There Mateys
So today has been rather uneventful.
So this will be another lame, and boring post.
All I did today was rest and what not.
I did clean my room though.
It is pretty spanking clean.
It wasn't really that messy to begin with.
But I did my laundry and I've kept my room clean for like.. a month now.
Which is kind of scary seeing as I never used to clean it lmao.
Bought my kitty cat food, and litter yesterday which I didn't mention.
So now today after cleaning my room, filling his dish, cleaning his litter, and changing his water he is one happy kitty.
Which makes me a happy Andre :D
Anywho, that is pretty well it for today.
Well, actually I lied.
I was online on my xbox, and was talking to my friend Richy.
He's this twelve year old kid that I met.
He's actually pretty cool.
He acts a lot older than he really is.
Which is nice for me considering I hate lbs. (Little boys.)
We talk and what not, and I told him that I was a transman.
He wasn't weirded out or anything so that was good.
He was more curious than anything.
Which is usually how it ends up going.
Anyways, he was telling me how he is always being teased at what not.
But he told me that he tried to kill himself once.
& that he cuts himself now.
It really bothered me because I knew exactly how he felt.
I told him that no matter what I'll be there for him.
& if he needs someone to talk to that I'm there.
Because he's chubby, he wears glasses, but is extremely smart.
& I told him that since we're smart, we can get past those assholes.
We can be who we are and we'll succeed in life.
I dunno if anything I said sunk in, or helped him.
I hope it did because he's my lil richy rich haha.
Love that kid.
Anyways, I guess that was the only major thing that happened today.
Love you guys.
Peace <3
So this will be another lame, and boring post.
All I did today was rest and what not.
I did clean my room though.
It is pretty spanking clean.
It wasn't really that messy to begin with.
But I did my laundry and I've kept my room clean for like.. a month now.
Which is kind of scary seeing as I never used to clean it lmao.
Bought my kitty cat food, and litter yesterday which I didn't mention.
So now today after cleaning my room, filling his dish, cleaning his litter, and changing his water he is one happy kitty.
Which makes me a happy Andre :D
Anywho, that is pretty well it for today.
Well, actually I lied.
I was online on my xbox, and was talking to my friend Richy.
He's this twelve year old kid that I met.
He's actually pretty cool.
He acts a lot older than he really is.
Which is nice for me considering I hate lbs. (Little boys.)
We talk and what not, and I told him that I was a transman.
He wasn't weirded out or anything so that was good.
He was more curious than anything.
Which is usually how it ends up going.
Anyways, he was telling me how he is always being teased at what not.
But he told me that he tried to kill himself once.
& that he cuts himself now.
It really bothered me because I knew exactly how he felt.
I told him that no matter what I'll be there for him.
& if he needs someone to talk to that I'm there.
Because he's chubby, he wears glasses, but is extremely smart.
& I told him that since we're smart, we can get past those assholes.
We can be who we are and we'll succeed in life.
I dunno if anything I said sunk in, or helped him.
I hope it did because he's my lil richy rich haha.
Love that kid.
Anyways, I guess that was the only major thing that happened today.
Love you guys.
Peace <3
February 28, 2010
Day Five;
'Ello Good People
Today has been a rather nice today.
I woke up, and was like I feel like shit.
So I called in sick.
Then I spent the whole day with my Kelsey.
She was amazing. Obviously.
I wish she would just talk to her Nana, get her approval and move in.
It'd be so since to go to sleep with her in my arms, and wake up every morning the same way.
Then go to work or school then come home and she'd be there.
Get her going to a good school where she can actually get her shit together.
Oh, it would just be sooo nice.
But we'll see where it goes.
My parents say they have no problem with it as long as no fucking mob of people come to the door.
Which wouldn't happen because her mother doesn't even know where I live.
& even if she did find out my parents would just call the cops.
Legally she couldn't do anything anyways so whatever.
I love Kelsey so much and everyone seems to like her.
My parents love her to bits.
I love her to bits.
My friends think she's cute.
It's all good :)
Anyways, I didn't do much today.
When I drove Kelsey home, I drove to Crofton afterwards and saw Katie.
We went to go see Krista but she was no where to be found.
So Katie and I walked down to the seawalk and just talked.
It was pretty cool just having a good ol' chit chat.
We saw the moon rise up and it was all orange and pretty.
Then I gave Katie a science lesson about why that was.
I'm pretty sure I may have overloaded her brain lmao.
Katie, I want to tell you that I'm so happy with what you told me.
Like I don't think you know :P
I'll always be there for you, and don't ever think twice about telling me stuff.
Because I'll always have an open mind, and give my input.
I'll never turn my back on you.
I love you Katie.
Bestie :)
Anyways kids, I guess I'm off.
I woke up, and was like I feel like shit.
So I called in sick.
Then I spent the whole day with my Kelsey.
She was amazing. Obviously.
I wish she would just talk to her Nana, get her approval and move in.
It'd be so since to go to sleep with her in my arms, and wake up every morning the same way.
Then go to work or school then come home and she'd be there.
Get her going to a good school where she can actually get her shit together.
Oh, it would just be sooo nice.
But we'll see where it goes.
My parents say they have no problem with it as long as no fucking mob of people come to the door.
Which wouldn't happen because her mother doesn't even know where I live.
& even if she did find out my parents would just call the cops.
Legally she couldn't do anything anyways so whatever.
I love Kelsey so much and everyone seems to like her.
My parents love her to bits.
I love her to bits.
My friends think she's cute.
It's all good :)
Anyways, I didn't do much today.
When I drove Kelsey home, I drove to Crofton afterwards and saw Katie.
We went to go see Krista but she was no where to be found.
So Katie and I walked down to the seawalk and just talked.
It was pretty cool just having a good ol' chit chat.
We saw the moon rise up and it was all orange and pretty.
Then I gave Katie a science lesson about why that was.
I'm pretty sure I may have overloaded her brain lmao.
Katie, I want to tell you that I'm so happy with what you told me.
Like I don't think you know :P
I'll always be there for you, and don't ever think twice about telling me stuff.
Because I'll always have an open mind, and give my input.
I'll never turn my back on you.
I love you Katie.
Bestie :)
Anyways kids, I guess I'm off.
February 27, 2010
Day Four;
Good Evening
Just a quick not because I'm not in the blogging mood.
Today was amazing because it was with my baby girl.
Work was good, Willow Street Cafe was good food and got food for my kitty :)
Broke again though :(
Got to see Katie and Krista with Kelsey Wesley :D
Happy Face.
Night folks.
Today was amazing because it was with my baby girl.
Work was good, Willow Street Cafe was good food and got food for my kitty :)
Broke again though :(
Got to see Katie and Krista with Kelsey Wesley :D
Happy Face.
Night folks.
February 26, 2010
Day Three;
Today Is A Beautiful Day
So today has been a marvelous day.
My morning was rather humourous.
I woke up, and looked at the clock.
I thought it said 6am.
I was like wtf, k well I'm going back to bed.
Then I couldn't fall back asleep, so I'm like god damn.
I look at the clock again and really it says 9am.
I'm like, wtf!
You see, I set my alarm for 8:45am but for some reason it didn't go off.
Then I realized that I turned my phone to completely silent.
& not the silent with the alarm.
So that was effing retarded.
But I got up and left for Victoria and ended up being a half hour early anyways.
So whatever whatever.
I had my 2nd assessment today.
It went rather well.
Really well actually.
Because he said that he would write the letter to the Endocrinologist and get me started on T.
Which will make me the happiest dude in the fucking world.
I'm sooo happy with life right now.
Even though the devil still brings me down.
But she can go fuck herself :D
I get to spend the weekend with my lover again.
Happppy faaaace.
Work tomorrow and Sunday o.o
Should be interesting.
Well that's all for now.
I might edit it later :)
Love you guys.
I woke up, and looked at the clock.
I thought it said 6am.
I was like wtf, k well I'm going back to bed.
Then I couldn't fall back asleep, so I'm like god damn.
I look at the clock again and really it says 9am.
I'm like, wtf!
You see, I set my alarm for 8:45am but for some reason it didn't go off.
Then I realized that I turned my phone to completely silent.
& not the silent with the alarm.
So that was effing retarded.
But I got up and left for Victoria and ended up being a half hour early anyways.
So whatever whatever.
I had my 2nd assessment today.
It went rather well.
Really well actually.
Because he said that he would write the letter to the Endocrinologist and get me started on T.
Which will make me the happiest dude in the fucking world.
I'm sooo happy with life right now.
Even though the devil still brings me down.
But she can go fuck herself :D
I get to spend the weekend with my lover again.
Happppy faaaace.
Work tomorrow and Sunday o.o
Should be interesting.
Well that's all for now.
I might edit it later :)
Love you guys.
February 25, 2010
Day Two;
Good Morning Children.
I have woken up kind of early.
10:30am was when I looked at the clock this morning.
I am super tired because I stayed up last night talking to my baby.
Probably shouldn't have but I did.
I'm super excited for my tattoo.
As you can see, it's beautiful.
Katie & I looked up different fonts.
I found this one and liked it.
It's sharp but with Katie's style it's not too sharp.
We looked at it centered and the way you see it here.
Honestly, it centered made it look supa gay.
So this is what we came up with and I love it.
The only thing I know that I am doing today is I have an appointment with
RBC to open an account which isn't until 3pm.
That is a lot of waiting for Andre, but what can I do?
I should have made it for noon but I thought I'd sleep in too long. Fail.
By the way, the tattoo and everything was yesterday and not this morning.
I just didn't put it up in my first post. Haha.
Maybe Katie will want to hang out agin? That'd be kind of cool. I'll ask her. Katie!!! Haha.
Anyways, this is it for this morning. Ta.
I have woken up kind of early.
10:30am was when I looked at the clock this morning.
I am super tired because I stayed up last night talking to my baby.
Probably shouldn't have but I did.
I'm super excited for my tattoo.
As you can see, it's beautiful.
Katie & I looked up different fonts.
I found this one and liked it.
It's sharp but with Katie's style it's not too sharp.
We looked at it centered and the way you see it here.
Honestly, it centered made it look supa gay.
So this is what we came up with and I love it.
The only thing I know that I am doing today is I have an appointment with
RBC to open an account which isn't until 3pm.
That is a lot of waiting for Andre, but what can I do?
I should have made it for noon but I thought I'd sleep in too long. Fail.
By the way, the tattoo and everything was yesterday and not this morning.
I just didn't put it up in my first post. Haha.
Maybe Katie will want to hang out agin? That'd be kind of cool. I'll ask her. Katie!!! Haha.
Anyways, this is it for this morning. Ta.
Good Evening Young Fellows
Well today was rather interesting.
Well, I guess you could call it interesting.
I'm pretty sure it was many other things.
Anywho, today was today.
At around 3pm I took myself to the RBC Royal Bank.
I had an appointment to open up an account.
I told Katie that I would be there a little after this.
It took like a god damn hour to set up the account.
So that was pretty effing annoying.
Not happy in the least.
Then I go to get gas at the Petro-Can.
But guess what happens.
My temporary fucking gay debit card didn't work.
So I'm like, "awesome".
So I go to Safeway (this is all in Ladysmith btw) to get hotdogs for din dins.
I use my card, and it works.
So I'm like "oh so it must be like I had to wait a little bit".
So I go to the Co-op to get gas, doesn't work at the pump.
I'm like wtf hacks.
I go inside to pay, and it doesn't work.
So by now I'm really pissed off, so what do I do?
I go get some mcdicks because I'm a fatty and was pissed.
After that I went home, dropped off the hotdogs, then went to an ATM.
Took out fucking money for gas because gas stations hate me.
I filled my tank then peaced off to Katies.
Katies I played some "Step Mania".
Which is basically DDR, but better.
Then Krysta & Krista came over and we watched "Triangle"
Now, I'm not gunna lie that was a pretty fucking dope movie.
It was annoying at points but it explained itself in the end.
So it was a decent movie.
Now I am at home, blogging about my super awesome day.
Tomorrow is another long adventure. Hurrah.
Alright bloggers, have a good night.
Love you all.
Nighty night.
Well, I guess you could call it interesting.
I'm pretty sure it was many other things.
Anywho, today was today.
At around 3pm I took myself to the RBC Royal Bank.
I had an appointment to open up an account.
I told Katie that I would be there a little after this.
It took like a god damn hour to set up the account.
So that was pretty effing annoying.
Not happy in the least.
Then I go to get gas at the Petro-Can.
But guess what happens.
My temporary fucking gay debit card didn't work.
So I'm like, "awesome".
So I go to Safeway (this is all in Ladysmith btw) to get hotdogs for din dins.
I use my card, and it works.
So I'm like "oh so it must be like I had to wait a little bit".
So I go to the Co-op to get gas, doesn't work at the pump.
I'm like wtf hacks.
I go inside to pay, and it doesn't work.
So by now I'm really pissed off, so what do I do?
I go get some mcdicks because I'm a fatty and was pissed.
After that I went home, dropped off the hotdogs, then went to an ATM.
Took out fucking money for gas because gas stations hate me.
I filled my tank then peaced off to Katies.
Katies I played some "Step Mania".
Which is basically DDR, but better.
Then Krysta & Krista came over and we watched "Triangle"
Now, I'm not gunna lie that was a pretty fucking dope movie.
It was annoying at points but it explained itself in the end.
So it was a decent movie.
Now I am at home, blogging about my super awesome day.
Tomorrow is another long adventure. Hurrah.
Alright bloggers, have a good night.
Love you all.
Nighty night.
Day One;
If you do not know who I am my name is Andre, or Drey.
Preferably Andre, unless your special. :)
I am nineteen years old, and I love to blog about random shit.
I play guitar, sing, and write my own music.
I have amazing friends, & an amazing girlfriend.
I love them all in many different ways.
It is 12:14am on a Thursday.
I accomplished many things.
1. Saw Katie BO BATIE. :)
2. Saw Krista Phillips :)
3. Got a tattoo designed, and drawn up by Katie :)
4. Drank some god damn tea, which was amazing.
5. Played DDR. Cause I am THAT cool.
6. Drew on the little tablet thingy that Katie has. It's pretty dope.
7. Took some sweet photos with Krista & Katie.
8. Ate some healthy salad, and washed it down with some Boonana split :)
9. Watched a horrible scary movie, which was awesome :)
10. Well, if I told you, you'd probably cringe but pretty much making my girlfriend happy ;) ;)
Can't wait for the comments & hits.
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