February 25, 2010

Day Two;

No Regrets Never look back Even when they don't believe us

Good Morning Children.

I have woken up kind of early.
10:30am was when I looked at the clock this morning.
I am super tired because I stayed up last night talking to my baby.
Probably shouldn't have but I did.
I'm super excited for my tattoo.
As you can see, it's beautiful.
Katie & I looked up different fonts.
I found this one and liked it.

It's sharp but with Katie's style it's not too sharp.
We looked at it centered and the way you see it here.
Honestly, it centered made it look supa gay.
So this is what we came up with and I love it.

The only thing I know that I am doing today is I have an appointment with
RBC to open an account which isn't until 3pm.
That is a lot of waiting for Andre, but what can I do?
I should have made it for noon but I thought I'd sleep in too long. Fail.
By the way, the tattoo and everything was yesterday and not this morning.
I just didn't put it up in my first post. Haha.
Maybe Katie will want to hang out agin? That'd be kind of cool. I'll ask her. Katie!!! Haha.
Anyways, this is it for this morning. Ta.

Good Evening Young Fellows

Well today was rather interesting.
Well, I guess you could call it interesting.
I'm pretty sure it was many other things.
Anywho, today was today.
At around 3pm I took myself to the RBC Royal Bank.
I had an appointment to open up an account.
I told Katie that I would be there a little after this.
It took like a god damn hour to set up the account.
So that was pretty effing annoying.
Not happy in the least.
Then I go to get gas at the Petro-Can.
But guess what happens.
My temporary fucking gay debit card didn't work.
So I'm like, "awesome".
So I go to Safeway (this is all in Ladysmith btw) to get hotdogs for din dins.
I use my card, and it works.
So I'm like "oh so it must be like I had to wait a little bit".
So I go to the Co-op to get gas, doesn't work at the pump.
I'm like wtf hacks.
I go inside to pay, and it doesn't work.
So by now I'm really pissed off, so what do I do?
I go get some mcdicks because I'm a fatty and was pissed.
After that I went home, dropped off the hotdogs, then went to an ATM.
Took out fucking money for gas because gas stations hate me.
I filled my tank then peaced off to Katies.

Katies I played some "Step Mania".
Which is basically DDR, but better.
Then Krysta & Krista came over and we watched "Triangle"
Now, I'm not gunna lie that was a pretty fucking dope movie.
It was annoying at points but it explained itself in the end.
So it was a decent movie.

Now I am at home, blogging about my super awesome day.
Tomorrow is another long adventure. Hurrah.
Alright bloggers, have a good night.
Love you all.
Nighty night.

1 comment:

PorcupineSlug said...

You forgot "Then I went home and had a wiener!!" :)

Night Drey-dizzle Mo-frizzle!